
August 6, 2024
2 mins read

Adaptive web design allows a web page to open a static, pre-made structure based on the identified device. To accomplish this, a designer needs to develop various designs according to various screen widths. An existing site can be retrofitted with adaptations to make it more user-friendly for mobile devices. This gives you complete control over the creation and development of individual, numerous viewports. 

Source: Freepik

Adaptive design generates multiple layouts for various devices such as smartphone screens, tablet screens, and many others. It determines the dimensions of screen layouts and displays the web page’s content. When a website needs to be improved or redesigned, adaptive design can often be the best option. 

FAQs about Adaptive

Q1. How do you tell if a website is responsive or adaptive?

Ans. The easiest and fastest way to tell the difference is that a responsive website uses just one fluid layout that adjusts to match any screen size. Adaptive websites incorporate a number of static layouts with breakpoints that show the ideal layout for different screen sizes.

Q2. What companies use adaptive design?

Ans. A number of businesses and organisations have adopted adaptive design to provide better mobile-friendly websites. For example, adaptive sites are used by Amazon, Home Depot, Ikea, Apple, Adidas, Turkish Airlines, and USA Today.

Q3. What is responsive and adaptive design?

Ans. With responsive web design, a page fluidly adjusts to the screen size. With adaptive web design, a layout developed specifically for the target device is loaded by the browser.

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