
August 6, 2024
2 mins read

Checkbox is an element of a graphic user interface that is present even in the simplest of products. They can be seen as boxes (rounded or squared) that can be selected or unselected upon the user’s choice. They are provided to the user to choose a single or multiple options for a particular query. Each checkbox acts as a separate option, so once one is chosen, it shows up as filled, or a tick appears in the box.  


It has a very simple structure consisting of 3 parts. It contains an input option, a label, and a sign that shows whether the option is marked or not. You may want to keep the design of the checkboxes simple, as users are accustomed to the original design. Using short labels and keeping them at the right tend to reduce the cognitive load of the user. 


  1. What are the various types of checkboxes?

 Checkboxes can be of multiple types.

  • Single selection: This is a discrete box that allows the user to select only a single option
  • Multiple selection: This type allows the users to select multiple options by selecting those from a list.
  • Tri-state selection: This option has three states of selection- selected, not selected, and intermediate selection. Intermediate selection indicates that some of the options may be selected, whereas others may not.
  1. How do you organize the checkboxes?

It is preferable if you organize the checkboxes vertically instead of horizontally, as it is user-friendly and allows them to do a quick scan. 

  1. What should be the size of a checkbox?

Checkboxes can be mainly of four different sizes- small, medium, large, and extra large. Medium is mostly the default and to-go option.

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