Brand Book

A brand book, also known as a brand’s user manual, provides comprehensive knowledge on how to use the brand image online and offline. It is an essential component of any branding strategy as it contains all the crucial elements that define the brand. It includes its core principles (mission, vision,…

Brand Guidelines

Brand guidelines are a set of clearly determined rules and standards that convey how a brand should be portrayed to the audience. Brand guidelines support businesses to provide brand consistency and ascertain what the business is, what it accomplishes, and what it stands for. It is like a brand ‘rulebook’…

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a technique for analysing two distinct versions of a website or app to see which functions better. It is sometimes referred to as bucket testing or split testing. A/B testing is a trial in which users are randomly presented with two or more variations of a website.…

Above/Below the Fold

The portion of a web page that is visible before scrolling is known as above the fold content. The ‘fold’ indicates where the web browser window terminates, although the content is still available below. ‘Below the fold’ refers to any content that requires scrolling down to view. The part of…

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