Yellow Slice helped SeenPick design an app that allows users to discover offline fashion retailers in their neighborhood. Here is how we achieved our goal.
SeenPick is an online platform that gives space to offline fashion retailers so that they can reach their target customers and increase footfall in their stores. It is an app that empowers users to shop from offline stores right from a single app. It focuses on leveraging the offline fashion retailers who were ignored due to the uprising of the digital age.
Design the user interface and create a user experience that will engage its users to interact more with the application and its content.
The platform uses iBeacon technology to identify and connect the products to its buyer when they visit the store.
We needed to design the user flow ensuring that the app features align with the task flow and do not confuse the users. Based on our understanding of the application and after conducting a number of meetings with the app stakeholders, we came up with the user flow and merchant flow within the app.
The flow describes how a purchase will happen from the user’s and the merchant’s point of view.
Based on the information we received from the stakeholders and the user flow we created, we designed the wireframes for the app. We needed to show how the product page and the result page would look with the wireframes we design.
Once we were clear about how we wanted to represent the products and search results along with other components and features of the app, we created the icons that will be a part of the user interface.
Using all the UI and UX elements, the following are the screens that we designed for the SeenPick offline fashion retail product finder app.
The clean and e-commerce-inspired user interface enables users to browse products without any hassle. The app gives a comprehensive user experience that allows users to view products, product details, and prices while managing user profiles in one place.
Want to create an app for your brand? Connect with us to know how our UI & UX design solutions can help uplift your online business and reinforce your brand values in your online presence.
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